Home by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
Water: My FAVORITE water bottle (and coffee/tea mug) is the Contigo Water Bottle. I am always carrying one of these. It's perfect for the gym because I can run and drink it without having to worry about it spilling all over me or losing a cap. I always have one next to my bed at night, and don't have to worry about spilling it. They are dishwasher safe, and they are the BEST! You can get them in a variety of colors and designs. We buy ours at Costco.
Water Bottle |
Coffee/ Tea |
Music: I use a Ipod Touch from www.apple.com. I don't have the new version with the face time, I got mine a few years ago for free when I purchased my MacBook Pro (which I love). I own the 15 inch and it's the perfect size for using at home and travel. To run I use Incase Sports Armband Pro.