Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One week of food journal... Thoughts?

It's been one week of my food journal. At the end of the week it forces you to look back and go over the week. The weeks seem to FLY by, but when I look at my eating patterns, there were definitely a lot of days I wouldn't consider "healthy". Through the journal I realized (even though I always knew but never wanted to acknowledge it) that most of my eating is done at dinner time- and way too much. If I could eat around the same amount I eat for lunch, it would be perfect. Especially since I am adding in snacks and bars/ protein/ shakes to my diet with my running and working out.

Today was my race pace run.

I ran 3 miles in 25 minutes and 6 seconds, with a pace of 8:20.      
This would be a awesome race pace if I could keep it up for 10 more miles! I think however I am aiming for anywhere under 9 minute miles to reach my goal of under 2 hours.

I might go to Yoga or Zumba tonight. I did a little bit of abs and strength training today with 8 and 10 lb weights, but if I have energy- why not? And it's only 2 weeks until Florida!

Update: I went to Zumba tonight. 

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