Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Me" time.

Why does everyone think it is so weird I am here by myself right now? EVERYONE is asking me "Are you bored?" "your by yourself?" and is SHOCKED. This is exactly what I wanted! I love "me" time! I had a great day today, and it was all in the company of myself and Scampy the baby doggie I am watching. He seems a little down so I have tried to spend some more time with him, just petting him and talking to him (quite a bit). Everyone HAS to talk to their dogs, I have never had a puppy but I tell Scampy everything! Maybe my "me" time is getting to me...
Look at his cute bandana!
That was a confusing paragraph. Anyways- today was wonderful! I decided to make breakfast before my workout, since I knew I was only walking and not running. I made a whole wheat english muffin with almond butter, flax seeds and strawberries and blueberries on top. It was amazing!

 I woke up and went on a 8 mile walk/ run. I only had "20" minutes on my chart, but I wanted to explore my area, and what better way to do it than on foot? I actually used my friends house as a marker and put that in the gps in my phone and made my way there. I took a picture of his house and texted it to him (he is at work) and he just replied "creepy, yes that is my house". I ran back home and logged it!

I walked/ ran 8.11 miles in 1:58:15. 

I was quite hungry when I got back, and made a protein smoothie! I usually only drink the 2 scoops of my protein with water, but I added milk today and ice, a few strawberries, blueberries, flax seeds and a little bit of almond butter. It was yummy!
 I spent another glorious sunny day at the pool. I haven't "laid out" in a long time. In Thailand I was very serious about my sunscreen since I knew how hot the sun is there. I really want a tan right now though! I still wore SPF and enjoyed being in the sun and having a day of doing NOTHING!

 I have been trying to read the labels to watch my "sugar intake". I have a few family members who have been losing weight with the "belly fat cure" diet. Basically you get 15 grams of sugar a day, and something with carbohydrates. I am not seriously doing it right now because I am running, and need the carbs, but it is amazing to look at some of the sugar grams in things like a glass of orange juice! I am just trying to "cut back" my sugar and see what happens.

Also, I have decided to try a few days without meat. Yesterday was my first meatless day- and I am trying again today. I have toyed with the idea of being a vegetarian, I think this would be a great opportunity to try... A few days? A week? Again, I don't want to change my diet drastically right now since I am running my half marathon Sunday and possibly training for the San Diego full marathon in a few months, but these are just things I am considering.

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