Tuesday, June 7, 2011

6 mile morning

I have been waking up at 6:50 AM and getting into work a hour early the past few days for various reasons. I usually work 8 hours a day, and come in from 9-5 but if I have a meeting, lunch or have to leave early I come in at 8. I realized getting up at 6:50 isn't bad so decided to do it toady to get a early run in before work. I wanted to stay close to my apartment and not have to drive anywhere since it was early and didn't want to waste time in the car but just get up and go. Because of various injuries I've been dealing with, I thought it was going to be a easy 3 mile loop. I ended up going up and down International Drive both ways totaling 6 miles. It was under 80 degrees, I felt great and stayed at a slow pace. My left knee felt a little bothered which probably meant I pushed it a little not feeling 100%, but it was a great run and was one of those runs where I really felt like I could go on and on. I definitely got slower with each mile. I want to start working intervals in my workout, however I need to concentrate on feeling 100% first. As much as I hate it, I think rest is going to be the only way. Pool- here I come! I'm actually not feeling great right now, its 9:15 PM but I am going to try to get to sleep. Early!

I ran 6 miles in 1.04.



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